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The Ewing brick wall project

This site is the result of The Ewing Family Association's current  Chancellor and board Chairman, Beth Ewing Toscos's vision to provide a framework to aid Ewing genealogist to break down their a brick wall.

The project has 3 main elements:

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The Ewing Brick Wall Project

Description of Picture. The Ewing Brick Wall Project Consists of 3 components--click on a link below

1. The Ewing Ancestor Project at Gedmatch.com  

2. The Ewing Y DNA Surname Project (Big Y) hosted at Family Tree DNA  

3. The Most Distant Known Ewing Project  




1. The Ewing Ancestor Project:


Currently this component has over 200 Ewing descendants that have had their autosomal DNA tested at Ancestry.com, MyHeritage, 23AndMe , Family Tree DNA or at other labs and have uploaded their DNA results to GedMatch.com which is a free research site that provides several DNA research tools.

Also they belong to the GedMatch.com Ewing Ancestor Project which allows for DNA comparison amoung known Ewing descendants.



2. The Ewing Y DNA Surname Project (Big Y):


This component is the backbone of The Ewing Brick Wall Project and has over 360 Ewing male descendants who have had their Y DNA tested at Family Tree DNA. This componet has shifted its focus from Y DNA STR testing (300+) to the more complete and exacting Big Y SNP testing (20+).

And as a result of this shift to the Big Y we have identified 15+ unique Ewing Family Line/Branch markers. Being "positive" for one of the 100+ unique SNP makers is proof of desendening from the Ewing Family Line/Branch progenator and may lead to instantly breaking down your brick wall.



3. The Most Distant Known Ewing Ancestor:


This component of The Ewing Brick Wall Project and has 295 "terminal" Ewing (MDKEA) in a sharable and editable online data base here at this site. A terminal Ewing is a Ewing with known children who does not have known (verified) parents. It is our hope to have each of these MDKEA adopted by a registered desendant(s) and have their ancestors discovered as we add to components 1 and 2 above.



To Join one or more of the 3 components

1. Download your atDNA results

from your lab (Ancestry, MyHeritage, 23&Me, FTDNA, etc) and upload them to Gedmatch (if you have DNA results). And then look at the right menu bar for Ancestor Projects click, and then enter Ewing into the search bar, and then follow the instructions on the screen.

2. Order the Big Y.

The Big Y costs $259-449 depending on prior testing, which is a little pricey for some but families have shared the cost to make it more affordable. We expect the BigY to provide definitive proof of your Ewing paternal line and it is the backbone of the Brick Wall project. It is my belief that there is not better gift to give to your children, grandchildren, gggh, gggggch !! If you are a female, get your Ewing brother, father, GF, cousin, uncle to agree to order the Big Y.

3. Register and Claim your MDKEA

a. Search for your MDKEA at the Brick Wall Project (the site is still under construction, but the MDKEA listing is operational). If you cant find yours , try to add (you will be one of my beta testers) and also email a link to your tree if available or provide me with his vital information. [note: if you do find him, please let me know his MDKEA ID number.] A short cut to this step is just providing your Ewing lineage (link to your online tree, a gedcom file, or simply in an email) to me and I will do the review/update/addition of your MDKEA.

b. Hopefully you will register as an Ewing Brick Wall Envoy

If you need assistance or additional information

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